Hey! I hopped over to this board to ask another question, but saw this thread and thought I would answer as well. I am usually on the anxiety board.
I have that sensation and have for 19 years. My tongue also feels weird (crampy like) and I feel strange under my chin. I also have problems initiating a swallow, like the ability to swallow just disappears.
My doctor and I tried many medicines for several years and I finally asked him for an RX for klonopin (same class as you take). It was the only thing that helped. I have been on klonopin for the better part of 10 years (I stopped during both pregnancies and nursing the babies, so 27 months off for the first child and 27 months off for the 2nd child. It was strange because when I was pregnant and/or nursing, I didn't have the sensation as strong as it normally is.
I'm sorry this is happening to you.