The more I read about
LPR, the more I feel utterly depressed. If I have one fear in life, it's having a lifelong disease, especially one as horrible as LPR. I've been trying everything possible to fix it, but it just keeps going after 8 months and nothing I can do can even slightly relieve it at present, except for a single medication (see below). I experience:
- Mucus in the throat after eating anything. That means a lot of throat-clearing.
- Burning in my throat, even after drinking ALKALINE water (Saka brand, pH 8.2 with a little B.Soda added to make it 8.8). Even my own saliva makes it worse..!
- Constant belching and gas stuck in my throat if I so much as stand up. The gas also causes burning.
- Occasional "lump in throat" feeling, but not every day.
- Absolute anxiety, made worse by SSRIs and CBT.
I've tried the following to counter it:
- Alkaline water, and water with baking soda when this isn't available.
- Manuka Honey
- Koufman's Reflux Diet for 4 months, but even foods in the induction list make me worse.
- Nasal sprays for the mucus; no effect.
- 3 different PPIs, 2 H2 Blockers and Gaviscon Advance in both liquid and tablet form. The only one that helps slightly is Cimetidine, but it can only stop the burning throat temporarily.
- CBT/Hypnotherapy for anxiety; Hypnotherapy only worked while I was in the session itself.
- Excercise, volunteering and new hobbies to take my mind off things. Nope, still bad.
Finally a few tests I've taken and things about
my body:
- Peptest saliva test; showed a very low result in only 1 test of 3. It's possible that might have been natural reflux, but I wish all 3 had come back clear...
- Endoscopy/Barium; nothing of course.
- I am only 22, and very skinny so weight loss won't help, although it is currently happening in my despairs. My diet has never been out-of-proportion unhealthy, but I do suffer anxiety due to Aspergers Syndrome.
When I walk through the town streets, I see people binging on junk food or enjoying sweet treats, and I feel like falling on my knees and bursting into tears then and there. How do people like them get away with it? Nobody in my family believes me - even my GP thinks the Peptest results are a hoax, and that LPR doesn't exist. I'm awaiting a 24 Hour Test from an ENT, but what if I get the wrong test or no reflux happens on the day? I have so many worries right now, I don't know how I'm making it through each day without throttling myself to end the pains. What depresses me even more is that a H2 Blocker - WEAKER THAN A PPI - is working, which means it MUST be a real disease right?
I spend every day wondering how bad I'm going to feel, and why some things make me burn when others don't. I've desperately tried to prove if it's anxiety but I just can't do it. Every post I read online says I'm doomed to suffer all my life, without improvement. I can't go on like this. Someone either needs to cure me or kill me.
Part of heading removed per forum rules. Daxter we all certainly understand your feelings,unfortunately the forum doesn't allow us to discuss nor indicate those feelings with words.
Post Edited By Moderator (nvrthesame98) : 8/6/2013 6:59:29 AM (GMT-6)