sidiosquiere said...
I'm no expert but here's what I have to say in response to all the symptoms you have described.
If you feel like a part of your esophagus or stomach or deodendum has inflammation, do NOT drink any kind of vinegar. It could help with the heartburn but it will irritate the tender spots of these areas. I have experience with this. I was drinking kombucha with each meal (which is a wonderful way to prevent heartburn, and has vinegar) but when I developed inflammation in my esophagus it started to hurt on the way down, and eventually it made my esophagitis worse. So I had to stop drinking it. And I miss it very much because it really did help with the heartburn.
I would definitely try the licorice tabs. I believe they are taken between meals, 30 minutes before, or during. Whatever works for you. I would just try taking them right before eating. To be honest they did not work well for me so that is why I don't use them anymore. But you might be one of the people it helps so don't let that deter you.
Aloe Vera gel is something that I have tried but it tastes awful and I was pregnant when I tried it so I just couldn't stomach it. I do think it could be really helpful if you can handle the taste.
Cook your vegetables with coconut oil. I can't think of another way to use it.
I haven't ever used Mastic Gum but my understanding is that it's specifically for hpylori. I would just google it and be open to learning both positive and negative things about it and make a decision based on what you know.
One thing that has helped me with all my struggles is chamomile tea. I drink about 2-4 cups a day. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, feels GOOD on the way down, and keeps me relaxed. When our bodies are suffering this much we get stressed out about it. Chamomile treats anxiety. It also helps relax the intestines.
Are you experiencing any anxiety? Are you getting exercise?
Exercise was my life. I do not feel any anxiety. This all started after February when I had that stomach problem. That is why the Internal doctor right now took the blood test and stool sample for bacteria and parasites. Still waiting on the results. He doesn't think this is because of Nexium rather something inside of me that is causing all this. I think that too. I thought I had H-Pylori because half my family had it including my dad, and he was having heartburn all his life. Eventually after they found it he took the Prev-Pak and all went away. I did not have it back when they checked in June. (Maybe recheck again?)
Anyways if I do not have anything I have another GI doctor who I found on the internet and I would like to see them and see what they can tell me. Supposedly they have outstanding reviews and are one of the best teams here in NYC.
Overall, this all could be nothing. Just the fact that I have been taking the PPI's on and off for the past 6 months. Maybe it is just that (REBOUND) I guess I will lower the dose myself because I do not think every other day helps me. I am back on it after 2 days of not taking it. I would like to take it for like 2 weeks (Nexium 40MG) until I feel like all is healed again inside and then I will wean myself off.
I need to get my life in order. What ever this is that is bothering me needs to be taken care of. I have very high hopes and I know I will get through this. My confidence is through the rough even when it burns like hell. So anxiety is out of the question.
What do you think?
AND/OR what was your story? Still on meds?