Sorry - I am new here and trying to learn what I can before an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday. I feel like an informed patient is the best advocate - and the Primary Care is the gate keeper (to the real expert) and needs convincing that I need to see that expert. I will try to educate myself by reading more here - but since the appointment is soon, any help would be appreciated.
Seems like the doctors are happy to have me take omeprazole and wait for symptoms to go away. And try the food elimination. But I take it that doesn't always happen with GERD and LPR. Been at 40mg omeprazole for four weeks now.
I apparently had LPR longer - developed food swallowing problems which seem to have gotten better with PPI. But then came GERD symptoms and along with them LPR symptoms of feeling like something is stuck in my throat often.
Currently taking omeprazole 40 mg per day and trying to avoid coffee, tomatoes, eating late, etc. Seltzer water seems bad for me too. I have the head of my bed up six inches. I am trying to lose weight with the Fast Diet (a whole different discussion).
GERD symptoms came on about 6 weeks ago. Not effectively treated by PPI and food measures. Swallowing issues have been about two - three years - only occasionally dry foods would get stuck in my throat and I would need to carefully wash them down with a little water.
Anyway, please if this interests you, correct any of my misinformation. Thanks for any help.
GERD TREATMENT - PPI and food measures and if needed the operations?
-PPI - Seems some sources say some PPIs are better than others. Other sources say they are all about as effective. Is going up to 60mg / day for a while a good idea?
-Probably no other food measures to take other than possibly finding other foods that bother me. Low acid coffee was bad for me.
-Fund... operation - my doctor said it is often unsuccessful and has severe side effects - but people on this list seems to have other experiences - it does take some recovery time, but is 80-90% successful?
LPR TREATMENT - I probably need a real diagnosis and not just a guess. Then High PH water? Throat stretching procedure? Gaviscon? What else? Do PPIs really help with GERD? I read conflicting things. I think my doctor thinks one pill will solve all.