Hi Matt,Glad to hear things are progressing well for you. Just don't forget you've had major surgery (requiring lots of healing), and your GI tract has had a major revision, and your body needs to adjust to the changes.
When you mentioned Flaxseed, it rang a bell, so I checked online to see if I was remembering correctly. I was:
How Common is Gas from Flaxseed?
According to the National Institutes of Health, digestive complaints are the number-one side effect associated with flaxseed. Along with gas, flaxseed can cause bloating, abdominal pain, increased bowel movements, stomach ache, and nausea. If you experience gas while using flaxseed, you are certainly not alone-- nearly half of flaxseed users report flatulence as a side effect of the product.
So take it easy on the flaxseed if you begin to feel any GI complaints after starting its use.
As far as your grandmother's advice regarding liquids with meals, I'd add this caveat...Yes, you don't want to fill your stomach with a lot of liquids when its ability to hold quantities of foods is already reduced. However, there are times during recovery when the wrap is swollen that you may need a warm liquid and a few extra swallows to get things through to the stomach.
My surgeon warned me at Day 6 that my swallowing would get worse before it got better, as the wrap continued to swell, peaking on or about Day 14. Just listen to your body. If you start getting discomfort at the wrap site, and some feelings of irritation/"reflux", it is an indication that you're not getting everything through that wrap and into your stomach. Even the loosest wrap can get swollen enough to slow things down.
Just an FYI.
Baby that stomach of yours. Your wrap is newly created, and it has been through A LOT. People who find the recovery "a (relative) breeze", often run into trouble due to getting a little frisky and challenging themselves too soon. Just be aware of the fact that you still have six months to a year of healing to go, so don't rush things.
Thanks for sharing your healing adventures with us!
Happy healing,