Posted 12/30/2013 5:35 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Liz,
It seems to me that your wrap is holding food back. It's likely that it's still swollen, and your swallowing will improve with time. I think you're eating too big amounts at a time. Very small bites, and chew, chew, chew until whatever you're eating turns to a liquid/creamy consistency.
Your surgery has created an unnatural barrier at your stomach, to keep acid where it belongs. Because of this, your esophagus has to adapt to the changes, and once the swelling subsides completely it will all work together much better.
Rice is far too hard to chew to liquid, and can get clumpy when swallowed. The same thing with untoasted bread and sandwiches. Stay away from these things until at LEAST 8 weeks post op. Toasted bread is much better.
Anything that gets stuck isn't the right thing to be eating at this point. Regurgitating foods on a regular basis (it's like coughing up a hairball) isn't the best thing for your healing wrap. Eat smaller bites, chew, chew, chew, and eat very slowly. If something is getting stuck, stop eating it for a while, and try introducing it again later.
Nothing at all should be swallowed that isn't chewed to a complete LIQUID. A creamy liquid, granted, but a liquid. There should be no chunks of anything going down your throat. If a food you're trying doesn't chew to a liquid, then discreetly deposit it into a handy paper napkin.
My surgeon told me not to worry if something got "stuck"...that I should relax, and drink sips of room temp water or tea. He said it would go down eventually. Because I followed the "chew, chew, chew small bites, and only swallow things that chewed to a liquid", I didn't really have many occasions when things got stuck. I remember one time when I forgot and chewed and swallowed half a cherry tomato at a restaurant. After that I always made sure I had un-iced water (iced water makes spasms worse) and tea, when we ate out, just in case. I didn't cough it up...just sipped water, and it went down after a bit.
Gagging certainly puts some pressure on your wrap, but I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Let me tell you...I had lung problems from my reflux, and I coughed NONSTOP and very forcefully, throughout my recovery, until my lungs healed. My wrap held strong. No worries.
Have a wonderful holiday, and don't forget to chew, chew, chew, and choose you foods very carefully!
Happy healing,