Hi Lily and others,
This is an interesting post for me.I've been on ppi's for about 15 years and about two years ago bad digestion symptoms started creeping up and i had all the tests endoscopy,ph/manometry,etc...I do have acid reflux but apparently not strong enough to be recommended for surgery.
So i tried to ween myself off the 40mg/day ppi (nexium) over about 6-7 weeks last summer and i started developing LPR symptoms so i went back on them.The ENT doctor scoped me and said my throat was fine but i know that it is not.
In January 2014 i tried again to ween off but more cold turkey as the side effects of chills,numbness in lower limbs,weight loss,gas/bloating,abdominal cramps, were very scary.I was doing well for about 3 weeks by just supplementing with H2 blockers in evening mainly but after that i started getting some kind of acid rebound (which is supposed to be much earlier) and ended up with the sharp pain under the rib cage every night which seem to increase so i had to go back to the 40mg/day plus xantac in evening for now.
The home base remedies helped for awhile but none were good enough to take that sharp pain away.Now the pain is manageable but i generally feel rotten again.One thing i learned for sure is that outside the epigastric pain, i feel much better without the ppi's.So it is annoying that with all those lifestyle changes of diet etc...i still can't do it.
I am trying homeopathic products right now to somewhat detox but i will be trying again in the future over a longer period.But i have the feeling that only surgery to tighten the les can improve my situation.we'll see...
I think we all wish we knew what we know now when we were diagnosed but we likely wanted to live productive busy lifes and the pills were working so we kept going.My doctor warned me after 12 years that the ppi's were taking about 90% of the gastric acids out and i started worrying then but it was too late the les was more damaged.The pills don't cure gerd,they just appease the symptoms and the disease continues to grow we must try to keep the growth under control.