Hi my name is Toni-Ann and I have been suffering from a chronic cough 35+ years ( I am now 50). I have been to many doctors over the years , including Allergists, Pulmonologists, ENTs etc. I have been diagnosed with allergies, sinusitis, asthma, GERD. None of these doctors helped me or really listened to me. I remember asking my allergist if I could be allergic to chocolate, because I cough every time I eat it. "NO, it is just that chocolate is so rich". He should have know it is a number 1 trigger for reflux. Or I asked another doctor "Can my throat be sensitive, because I feel like the smallest tickle, sends me into coughing/choking fits"? her response "NO" Well that is exactly what Vagus Nerve damage does and has done to me. I mentioned to that same doctor, that years prior I was on an antidepressants (for depression) and I believe than my cough had improved. Can there be a correlation?" Her response, "What do you want to do, take antidepressants". Hence again I am on a mild antidepressant, because that is the treatment for Vagus Nerve damage.
I was finally diagnosed correctly a year an half ago, with LPR and vagus nerve damage. She knew my probable diagnosis before she even looked at me, just by answering the questions, because she knew what to ask. Of course all her testing confirmed what she already suspected.
Although reflux medication has somewhat helped at times, she is now suggesting surgery. I am all for it, as a chronic cough might not seem so bad to people reading this, it is very debilitating. Just ask anyone that lives or works with me, or way back when went to school with me.
I totally trust her and the surgeon she is sending to me as he is a Division Specialist in Esophageal Surgery at NYU. I meet with him May 1st.
I have found this message board, although scary at times, very informative. I have plenty of questions but my one question for now, how long did most people have to stay out of work? I do have a desk job.
Sorry this post is so long, but I thought it might help someone that has yet been diagnosed
thank you to all who will take the time to read