When I had my consult, the surgeon and I had a discussion about
1. What the surgery would do and how long it would take
2. How he would perform the procedure (lap in the first instance,
open if needed, Nissan or Toupet or other modification depending on what suited my circumstances best - we had a chat about
my medical history, symptoms, and previous test results)
3. The risks of having the surgery (fundoplication specific risks, general surgery risks, possibly not having total symptom relief despite having the fundoplication)
4. The benefits of having the surgery (symptom control, fixing the mechanical LES defect, no need for lifelong medication, Barrett's risk)
5. How long recovery would be (days at hospital, days at home, time of work, common and uncommon symptoms that could occur after surgery, when to see a doctor for suspected complication)
6. What my post-operation diet would be (step-by-step diet progressing from liquids to soft to hard food, foods to definitely avoid, liquid formulations of my routine medication ordered - make sure this applies to pain relief when you're discharged as well! I was discharged with pills that were really difficult to take!)
I had Google'd him before the consult to see how many procedures he had done, but if I couldn't find the information on my own, I would have asked that as well.
I think it can also be a discussion about
whether the surgery is right for you or not (or if you prefer to wait or try more medication/lifestyle modifications first) , but mine was apparently really indicated and I was advised it was ultimately my choice, but they really thought I needed it.
Post Edited (Altair) : 4/23/2014 9:34:55 AM (GMT-6)