Posted 7/10/2014 4:08 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Gewarn,
It sounds like you have LPR (throatburn reflux) but I am no doctor, I have LPR and it sure sounds to me like that is what you have. People mistakenly think that heartburn is the only thing that happens with acid reflux, and it is not, not everyone gets heartburn and not everyone gets throatburn, but I have both, and it sounds like you may have as well. Throatburn is when your UES (upper esoph sphyncter) doesn't close properly (from years of too much acid food) so that acid that makes it all the way to your throat can sit on top of your vocal cords. A FEEST test can be performed to determine if you have LPR, so try to find an ENT who performs the FEEST test and then you will have your answer. In the meantime stay away from all caffeine, all chocolate, all tomato, good luck!