Welcome to the forum, CCG.
1,2 yes but you won't notice them - asleep.
3 yes, but you will get pain meds - not to worry.
4 often, it will go away, not horrible.
5 only if you ask for it. You won't need anything if you do plenty of research and understand what happens. It's not really all that scary.
6 see 4.
7 can be quite difficult for a while. They should give you liquid meds. ASK for them! On this point - have a list of things like this that need to be taken care of for the person who takes you home. You may be a bit out of it and not able to remember what you need to ask. They never tell you this stuff before surgery when you have your brain working.
(8) make sure you have the doctor's recommendation for a diet before you go home. Sometimes they'll give you this well before surgery. Stock up on liquids and soft stuff like pudding that you like, enough for a few days. You may not need a whole lot, but you won't be able to drive for a couple of weeks at least. It all depends on how involved your surgery is. There is a good diet website at