Posted 3/10/2015 8:04 PM (GMT 0)
I have seen a couple of threads where LPR has been successfully treated with amitryiptiline. I wonder if I should try out the same.
I have been diagonised with LPR and gastritis (due to Hpylori). I have taken antibiotics for the Hpylori (triple therapy) and I think the bacteria is gone, as I am feeling better symptom wise but I am yet to take the breath test to confirm if it has gone. The gastritis due to the Hpylori is still there, but getting better.
My LPR symtoms are quite mild. I do not have any pain, burning, difficulty swallowing. I do not have reflux in the night. When I wake up in the morning my throat feels fine. Sometimes I have a bit of post nasal drip, no phlegm. I burp a few times and sometimes after burping I have the globus feeling and slight gurgling sound. I used to have the globus a lot earlier but rarely have it now. (I guess it is more due to anxiety). Occassionally I have a lump in the throat (one sided only).
My problem is-My LPR symtoms are not affected by diet. I can eat acidic foods, spicy foods, tomatoes, coffee and feel the same as when I eat potatoes or rice. Also, I was on 40mg PPI (rabeprazole) for a month, my doc cut it back to 20mg a day now. It made no difference (I didnt get worse, nor better and had no rebound acid thankfully). My symptoms are pretty same. I do not have any problems talking, singing, no sore throat, cough (very very rare) and rarely throat clearing (not on a everyday basis). I tried all recommended diets, natural medicines etc..nothing made a difference.
I think my gastritis and LPR maybe two different issues, the LPR started sometime in october last year and the gastritis two months later. I do not have heartburn and before all this started I was a normal healthy person and never had acid reflux in my life ever. I want to know if amytriptiline will work for me. Does anyone have similar symptoms?