Dani0011 said...
Hi I'm 25. I think I may have this. Getting an endoscopy in a week.
My most troublesome symptoms are chest pain and painful swallowing.
Does this thing heal? I'm so scared :(
I'm also worried it's Barrett's.
Please any feedback would be appreciated.
Hi Dani0011,
Welcome to the forum.
Yes, I've been diagnosed (again) with my second bout of erosive esophagitis and this time around it's just as bad, if not worse, than the first time. I'm happy to hear that you are getting an endoscopy soon because that will shed a light on many things.
Yes, esophagitis can be healed, though depending on how severe it is it could a few weeks (mild esophagitis) to several years (severe esophagitis) and everything inbetween.
It took me 6 trips to emergency room in the last four years to finally get it in my thick skull to avoid foods and beverages that were the root cause of my specific problem. It is my own personal belief that 95% of reflux is caused by what we eat and drink, how often and how much we eat and drink, and how we sleep.
Though my symptoms were severe (mostly pain, trouble breathing, SVT caused by esophageal spasms), I have found sticking to a low-acidic diet, elevating the head of my bed 7 inches plus, eating small meals throughout the day, keeping a food journal, chewing sugar free gum after meals, taking a daily probiotic, etc. have all slowly helped alleviate my symptoms.
I've seen cases of mild esophagitis heal up in just a few weeks. However, mine is a grade B erosive esophagitis and I've been dealing with it now for months. To be candid, once I started feeling better earlier this year I started drinking alcohol again and eating regular foods at restaurants; that combination caused my symptoms to come back with a vengeance. Now I regret not allowing my body enough time to heal.
Please bear in mind that Barrett's is pretty rare. I got my first diagnosis of esophagitis back in 2011, though I suspect I've had it for much, much longer, and at my last endoscopy I had no signs of Barrett's, not even a little bit. Everyone's body is different so there's no sense in worrying until you get the result's of your biopsies.
Do a keyword search in the search function of this forum and type in "esophagitis" and you will find a lot of other people's stories, tips, and things that worked for them. Please let us know how your scope turned out.
I wish you the best. Good luck to you.