So I have become so desperate with my current situation that I have actually reached out to the Mayo clinic all the way in Rochester Minnesota for help. I spoke to a rep and filled out a questionnaire and they should let me know within the next couple days if they will take me on as a patient. I hope they do because I literally feel like I am dying. I only weigh 84 pounds now and I feel so weak and sick all the time. Worse part is I have all the tests that show there is something wrong with me but the doctors are not doing anything to help me nor or they concerned that I can barley eat because of the swallowing difficulties during and the pain afterwards. I dont understand how sick you need to be for help around here. The Dr's just tell me to keep on the meds I am on when they clearly arnt working. I am literally getting scared over here. I haven't ate a solid meal in 3 weeks. I have even started seeing a therapist because of how much of a toll this is taking on me.
Anyways I am hoping the Mayo clinic will finally give me answers I need such as is my hiatal hernia worth talking about
after all? My Gastro said it sounds like I have a motility disorder should I be concerned? Should a test be done? Is there treatment? My esophagus is not healing after 6 months of treatment and multiple PPI's and I am still in severe pain is it time to try something else? I also have questions about
my lupus that no one likes to acknowledge I have even though I have blood work that basically proves it. I have been doing research and it shows that Lupus can cause swallowing problems and gastro issues yet my Rheummy tells me he didn't think this was from it and didn't even see a need for me to come in for an appointment.
Im getting so tired and it really sucks seeing your life slowly slip away when you were so happy only a year ago. I know we are all suffering on this board from this no big deal heart burn atleasts that what most people see it as anyways.
Post Edited (LAWCHICK) : 8/10/2015 1:35:04 PM (GMT-6)