Hi, my name is Corlia. I had surgery for an extremely large hiatial hernia on July 8, 2014, along with the Nissen wrap. It was
open surgery. I was in ICU for +-3 days and 1 day in the surgery ward.
So far, I am extremely happy with the surgery results!
I had such bad acid reflux, I had no voice and I was constantly coughing from the acid entering my lungs at night. When I left the hospital, I had a voice and no coughs! It took long for me to start eating more solid foods and my stomach shrunk a lot. Now I refuse to overeat and stop the minute I think I am full. I eat more often but smaller portions and have now lost 8kg's since the operation but have lost 16kg's since December 2013.
Applying the same logic. Smaller, more frequent, low carb eating lifestyle - PS: I AM NOT A DIET, it's a lifestyle!
The ONLY thing troubling me now is constant diarrhoea... any suggestions?