Hi there everyone.
Haven't posted in a while and was hoping to find some support. I I've posted in the anxiety and Gerd forums and not sure where to post this so figured would post it in both forums.
I've had a history of eating/swallowing troubles for almost the last 2 years. My symptoms include: difficulty swallowing,constant throat clearing while eating, coughing while eating,having to take a deep breath while eating or gasping for air, and fullness especially at my last meal of the day. I've had various tests done including swallow studdies, EGD, MRI, CT scan of sinuses etc. everything especially my barium and swallow evaluations have been normal. The only thing that came up in the MRI was basal polyps and a pituitary tumor (benign) for which I now take medication for. Ive been on a number of PPI's also. My symptoms were more or less manageable and I've just learned to deal with them and know when I can and can't eat.
In the last week I've started having this problem where I get a lot of neck pressure and stiffness and feel as if my jaw tightens up while eating. I also began to have a bit of shortness of breath. But I've checked my oxygen and its 100%. Went to see my doctor and she believes it's GERD so put my on Prilosec in the am and Pepcid in the pm. The symptoms still feel about
the same, which I know the ends don't work instantly. I want to know if anyone has ever had this neck stiffness or tightness while eating?
I have been diagnosed with anxiety, and do have panic attacks now and then. My doctor also attributes my symptoms to stress m.
Feedback is greatly appreciated
thank you!!!