How long do you wait after eating before bed?
0 hours (.5 hours) - 0.0% - 0 votes
1 hour (1.5 hours) - 0.0% - 0 votes
2 hours (2.5 hours) - 0.0% - 0 votes
3 hours (3.5 hours) - 100.0% - 6 votes
4 hours (4.5 hours) - 0.0% - 0 votes
5 hours aka starving (5.5 hours) - 0.0% - 0 votes
New Member
Joined : Jun 2016
Posts : 8
Posted 6/29/2016 1:19 PM (GMT 0)
Hey I'm new here and I was wondering, after I noticed improved symptoms, how many hours before bed do you guys stop eating?
Maybe answering a short questionaire would help us find some improvements:
Are your eating habbits consistant?
I've been eating a smaller dinner and moving those calories to a new breakfast. I usually stop eating at 6:30pm and go to sleep at 10pm. But sometimes I cheat and eat before bedtime.
Have you noticed improvemeants with your eating habbits?
Yes, Ive notice I wake up less frequently at night and regurgitate less undigested food in the morning or at night, If I wake up. I generally feling better when I wait 3-4 hours before lying down for bed.
What type of food/portion sizes do you eat before bed?
Usual dinner meals include: Meat, oils, salad/greens, pasta, bread, peppers, onions, juice or milk. I usually avoid tomato sauce. I usually eat a meal about the size of a 20oz soda bottle.
Feel free to add your own Q/A :) Im really interested in knowing if others see improvement waiting 5-6 hours before bed. And how people are doing waiting 1-2 hours or no wait at all.
Hello and cheers,
Regular Member
Joined : Dec 2014
Posts : 58
Posted 6/29/2016 10:28 PM (GMT 0)
Everything changed for me after my hiatal hernia surgery. It is no longer 3 meals a day but 3 small meals and about 4 snacks per day.
Regardless of which meal I can't eat more than about 8-10 oz at a sitting. I have dinner @ 4 and then a snack - usually some frozen berries, a cookie and some yogurt - about 6.
Other snacks/meals during the day include some protein - whether meat, cottage cheese or nuts - some fruit or vegetables (at least 1 small salad each day) and some carbs.
I also try to consume a lot of fiber in the AM as otherwise I have BM issues. This includes prunes when I wake, high fiber toast or cereal, nuts and 1 serving of Metamucil each day.
Other than extremely spicy foods nothing seems to bother me after eating. This includes mild salsa, onions, garlic, etc.
I do need to keep my last meal small as I have been having nausea when I lay down and find that less food in the stomach helps.