Hi everyone, I'm currently drinking Ensure Plus so I can have some caloric supplementation and not lose too much weight on this very restrictive low acid diet for LPR.
I couldn't find much info online or on koufman's website regarding the ph of Ensure. One source says that ensure plus has a ph of 6.6 (
https://books.google.com/books?id=KorasAtSpfoC&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=ensure+plus+ph+alkaline&source=bl&ots=A3474RSxhh&sig=ecvwdPlPh6ejZF_JGQSw3LOwDrE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihr8jrtc7NAhVO52MKHVeuDD0Q6AEIXTAI#v=snippet&q=ensure%20plus%206.6&f=false )
I'm just wondering if Ensure Plus is appropriate to take on this diet (in terms of ph and sugar content)?