I just today found this new health forum and have been busily reading the many topics.
Since this topic is on GERD and Acid Reflux and Hiatal Hernias and since I most definitely have struggled with those issues for years, let me add a few things. First I had tried over the counter medications and then Zantac and Pepcid and Prilosec and finally Nexium. Then found Nexium costly and had heard it had plenty of possible side effects that I finally had to stop.
Took me a long while, but then I found I can't have anything with tomatoes in it such as spaghetti or lasagna or pizza. If I do, I throw up and get an asthma attack and am sick for several days.
I also use a big pillow that sits me up at night, as I have to sleep sitting up or the GERD backflow pain gets to me.
Natural remedies I feel are always best, at least for me. For GERD and Acid Reflux, try a RED APPLE and also try Apple Cider Vinegar from a health food store, or even a good brand at the grocery store. That does not cost hardly anything and it truly does help my GERD (not helping the hiatal hernia though). You may also wish to try IBS remedies that were mentioned above such as herbal teas and herbal products. You may also wish to try Aloe Vera Juice/Gel, have heard this can be a cure as well! I have also used plenty of Enzymes for this and other digestive discomforts and found that to be quite effective. Although for the enzymes you can find them at the local health food store, there are some real great ones online although they are expensive, much better than using the Nexium and of course better than having to go through any scarey surgery or experiencing side effects! Gee I hope this helps some of you that are suffering so much and for so long.
And yes on that surgery, my medical doctor did suggest having some big surgery to sew up the hiatal hernia into the stomach somehow, but that was risky and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. And it could tend to be expensive and needs to be done at a big hospital and by a surgeon that has done a lot of them. Some insurances did not cover that, well I didn't have it done. Someone did recently tell me that they had this surgery, it did help them a lot now they can basically eat anything. However, it was risky and they had told her family she probably wouldn't even live through that surgery. She lived but it was a bad surgery. I won't have it after hearing that. No way do I want them cutting my stomach open or moving my esophagus around.
This GERD also affects my chronic asthma and that gives me wheezing and asthma attacks. That is another issue for another topic.
For any pain, Magnesium is supposed to help so I have just started taking that as well.
Immune System: I have also tried colon cleansers, liver cleansers, and even kidney/gall bladder cleaners that are herbal treatments. That is supposed to remove toxins and poisons in our bodies. Then our body can have more immunities to fight what ails us. Basically, boost your immune system up for whatever symptoms/diseases ail you or trouble you. Be good to your colon and it will be good to you. And by the way, I love licorice! Did not know though until the posts here that I should be eating the black licorice instead of the red licorice.