Been there done that with diets! Instead of a low carb diet, why not try an all natural wellness program? I have Crohn's Disease and I also suffer from GERD and I have been on this new wellness program that has seemed to alleviate many of my symptoms. I eat vegitables, meats, fruits and whole grains. Most of which had been on the "do not eat list" because of my Crohn's. I find that I am tolerating it very well and my GERD symptoms have been alleviated also. The only things I stay away from, especially in the first 10 days, is breads, pastas and dairy. And yes, the best side effect for me was also losing weight and inches, which helps too if you have GERD. I, according to my dr and based on how I feel about
myself, am overweight by 30lbs. Funny though, people look at me and say you can't tell. Good thing I guess. My email is in my profile if you want to know more of how I am doing and what I did. After the first 10 days, I slowly introduced the breads and pastas and very little dairy back into my diet without side effects or symptoms. I wish everyone would try it at least once. It's so hard to find the right foods and moderation of eating these days with so much info thrown at you. I don't rule out western medicine or diets, I just like to try natural stuff first and this program has seemed to help.
I wish you luck in whatever path you chose and hope you find relief.