Hi all,
I am 26 and female. To start I have been under constant stress and my anxiety has gotten really bad over the past five years because of school, moving, getting married, and various other things. I have a feeling thiso is a main factor in my issues of late. Right before my problems I got a stomach virus that was spread to alot of my family and friends. I was sick for 3 days constant throwing up just like my boyfriend at the time did and his boss and others. It was about
three weeks later that my issues began.
So about
in may three weeks after my bug, I started getting super bloated with a strange dull ache in my right side under my ribs. I stayed bloated for a couple of weeks then went to the doctors. They did an ultrasound and said my stomach looked a little inflamed so it might be acute gastritis. They didn't see anything wrong with my gallbladder, liver, pancreas or any other major organ. Just the little inflammation. I took 14 days prilosec and seemed great. I got married in July and was so stressed with everything like really bad stress. about
two weeks later in August I got this massive burn in my chest that closed my throat. I also got diarrhea that was green. I went to doctor and they said it was acid reflux and esophagitus. They put me on 40 mg of prilosec and told me to just keep taking it until I got insurance in December so I could get an endoscopy. I have been on prilosec for three months since August l. During that time i changed my diet no gluten, no dairy, no spicy food, no citrus. I also kicked up vitamins that prilosec depletes. I cut back drinking almost completely. I kicked up probiotics, did natural remedies like aloe, dgl licorice, and slippery elm. I healed my throat up within two weeks. I went from weighing 138 in august to weighing 118 now. The pain in my right side was very mild but the skinnier i got the more prominent a small knot right beside my rib cage got. I had my doctor look at it and she didnt feel anything when i was lying down and sometimes its small and sometimes a little bigger when I feel for it. She put me on wellbutrin for stress and sent me on my way saying take your prilosec and you wellbutrin until December. Even though my stress would be way less now that I'm settled in life except these problems started which amped it up and keeps my anxiety going. Otherwise i felt fine except that i started getting undigested food in my stool after about
three weeks on the 40 mg of prilosec.. I also started experiencing air trapped in my chest constant bloating, flatulence, burping, back and forth diarrhea to constipation. I am on day 2 of weining off prilosec because the bloating is just getting bad and making it hard to breathe. I have only had heartburn that wasn't extreme at all only two times and I was uber stressed when it happened in the past three months.
So I know that's alot but I have done so much research because my doctor doesn't seem to think it's that serious and my anxiety is getting the best of me. But I seem to be in the same boat as 100s of individuals that started forums about
digestive issues and I just would really like feedback. There seems to be many things that might be wrong with me. The prilosec could be creating further problems because I got better but seem to be going back to square one of constant bloating. One thing I have been really looking at at the moment is low acid. As that could have been the culprit all along as stress creates low acid production. And low acid seems to have the same symptoms as other conditions in creating heartburn.
Again sorry for the length but feedback would be appreciated.