I tried Pariet too and it made me soooo constipated. Hve also tried Nexium, Zoton. Neither worked. Am now on Somac. I also drink lots of soda water. Dietitian says it helps because of the bicarbonate in it. I cut out cows milk and drink soy milk. Am waiting for Hiatus Hernis operation, but here, in Australia, as I imagine you all have read in the newspaper, we have real trouble with the hospitals. Not enough doctors, consequently the waiting lists for any procedureis years. Have been taking one 5mg tablet of Valium at night. It helps with the heart palpitations. No side effects. I also eat Mylanta tablets like they're going out of fashion. Help, sort of. Sometimes you don't know what to do to feel comfortable. I am only 55kgs dont drink or smoke, exercise reguarly. I often think, why me?