Just found this forum this morning after doing some last min research on what to expect today!
I am scheduled for LINX surgery at 1 pm PST.
I have had reflux for over 30 years. My PH text had a Gleason score of 35. But my manometry was abnormal but not so much to call off the procedure. The diagnosis was a jackhammer esophagus. But the readings were borderline for that diagnosis.
I am 71, in good shape with no other health issues except for osteoarthritis.
The procedure will be the LINX with a Hiatal Hernia repair if he finds one. What is interesting is I always thought I had one but the last 2 endoscopies along with the barium swallow did not show a hernia.
Also had an issue with the consent form. He left
open the possibility of an
open surgery rather than laparoscopic. I indicated to the surgeon's office if he cannot do the procedure through laparoscopy then to end the procedure.
Since this is elective I have no intention of having
open abdominal surgery. I am supposed to talk to the surgeon this morning on that issue. So there is an off chance the entire thing will be called off.
One other significant history is that I had a prior laparoscopy about
4 years ago for gallbladder surgery. Although my research shows that it should have little to no bearing on whether one can be performed again.
I did have a concern about
the hiatal hernia repair. And I could not figure out the right answer. Assuming the hernia is less than 3cm why not leave a hernia alone and just do the LINX procedure?
In any event, since surgery is only 6 hours away it's probably just an academic question
I will post my experiences as I progress as the posts on this site have helped me quite a bit in understanding what to be prepared for as I undertake this.