Had my hiatal hernia repaired (less than 3m) and the Linx done on August 30th....its been almost 10 days and I'm not gonna lie to ya....its pain, pain and more pain....got the Percoset to take but dont wanna rely on it here after day 7....taking Tylenol to keep internal swelling and inflammation down as much as possible.
So glad I found this forum in not feeling like the only one with symptoms afterwards....
Each day is different....eating pretty much anything slowly, swallowing every 20-25 seconds is my only choice....
trying to drink water by itself is so painful....gotta take any meds with baby foods I enjoy or applesauce....gotta drink water immediately after eating something.....anyone else going thru this misery?
Today I made the mistake of eating some bread and omg, I almost screamed out loud with sharp pains in the right side of my back....felt like a knife being pushed in harder and harder....along with extreme pressure below my chestbone which I get often....
On the bright side I can bend over, walk around, do some gardening, sleeping better than before without having to urinate two to three times a night....Im up only once....prob cuz Im not taking in lots of liquids.....
able to drive the car since day after surgery but get fatigued easier, which will probably pass....
Im staying optimistic and hopefull all this will improve with time.....probably months here....
And my five incisions with the glue tape over them havent been an issue but lately they feel a little sore and the glue is unravaling....have a doctors appt this Tuesday coming up.....he's the only doc in Virginia that does this procedure and approximately 1 1/2 hours away by car....been getting free transport thru my insurance company there and back....very blessed to have this option....
Okay I've said enuf for now and will keep everyone informed and to all of you a big thanks for sharing and sending healing thots of good recovery for the future smile
Discovered that sitting upright in a chair with legs down, and not sitting up in bed with legs up, while eating, drinking and taking meds still with food, has made all the difference in the world with digestion and hardly any pain like mentioned above, thank the stars, finally.....
But yesterday and last nite were brutal....was vomiting all that I ate which never happened before...I cannot eat bread, pasta and shrimp that made me throw up......ugh...
And acid is coming up worse than ever.....took Aciphex without the doc's permission and it helped quite a little for a few hours then it was back with a vengeance....was off this med for two months b4 Linx cuz they all stopped working....
Day 10
Going for my post-op tomorrow....
Day 11
Doc just reassured me I will recover fully after a few months and it isnt acid coming up....its secretions from around the hernia repair which is also causing all my pain....
Day 12
Finally doing a little better....able to eat and digest food, had more energy to run errands.....was able to drink an oreo shake....was delish.....hope this continues....
Would love to hear some feedback on other stories of recovery from day one to present