It was over so fast I actually do not have much recollection of it at all. I was scheduled for the test at 7:30 and was told by doctor's office to arrive by 7. ( test was administered in his office as opposed to the hospital). I was given IV to hydrate me before hand and was made comfortable. about 30 minutes later I was wheeled into the room and met the anesthesiologist who told me I would be out for the test. I talked to my doctor for about 2 minutes and before you know it I was in recovery. I have a minor sore throat the first night and was groggy for a good part of the day. I took the day off work to recover.
Fortunately for me there were not serious findings except for irritation of the stomach lining. I am waiting on the biopsy which is to test for H Plyori. All in all it is nothing to worry about and you will be out for it. I did not feel the tube go down my throat. I worried over this for no apparent reason.
Good luck to you and let me know how you make out.