Many of us are on different PPI's, no? For those of you who are, do you find that your PPI (Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, etc.) gives you 100% relief or do you still need to control your diet and other behaviors? How much relief does it give you? I am on 20 mgs of Nexium twice a day. I tried Prilosec 20 mgs but it stopped working for me, or at least did not give me complete relief after several weeks on it. My doc switched me to 40 mgs of Nexium but the side effects were debilitating. So, I am not taking 20 mgs in the morning and about
8 - 12 hours later. Most of the time, I feel about
80 - 90% better but I still have episodes of 'acid leaks'. Is this the same for all of you? I would LOVE to just take my pill and get on with my life but that doesn't seem to be the case. Am I asking too much?
Thanks. Tummytuck