I have had reoccuring heartburn since I was a child. Thought the cause was allergies and took shots. Tried jsut about
every little and big pill out there. Got hooked on Tums and caused a calcium overload that lead to chronic kidney stones.
After a serious bout with a severe respriatory problem, I was diagnosed with sleep apthnea and started on a CPAP machine. The first day on the machine I was heartburn free. I still get heartburn from over eating or eating the wrong thing, or eating before I go to bed, but I think this is normal for everybody. The almost everyday heartburn is gone.
When I questioned my internist about this, he thought that there was no correlation. When I talked to the sleep thearapy doctor he said that he had heard that a few times and that it has to do with positive pressure on the diaphram. The next time I saw my internist, he mentioned that he did some research on the subject and that CPAP seems to have a positive effect for a number of GERD sufferers.
I do have Barrats syndrome, but with the relief from the CPAP machine I feel like I am reducing my risk and I feel sooooo much better.