Hi Friendly Gal...today is probably not a good day for me to answer any questions about
feeling better...It truly makes me crazy when I start feeling better and then something happens and there I go again! Anyway,I just do notice a difference when I drink the DanActive, things don't bother me as bad, it took a good 2 weeks for me to notice a difference and sometimes I drink 2 day.
The "critical care" was just what the probiotic class was from the manufacturer....Just a really really strong strain of bacteria. I bought them at Sprouts...the guy ended up saying that they were more designed for a colon issue more than a stomach issue.
I also have to say that I have really been trying to cut the stress and anxiety out of my life, it is hard sometimes because I have 2 small children, but I have really been trying. I actually quit my job for the summer and I do believe that it has been helpful, of course today nothing has been helpful, but that is how it goes sometimes.
I am sorry that you were sad today, I have been told that a few people do develop the cancer, but I think the smoking and drinking were more of a contributor than the GERD. I must tell you that I spend a lot of time scared because of this stuff, whether it is me worried about the pain being related to my heart or scared over cancer....this disease does consume us one way or another. I am coming more and more to the conclusion that stress and anxiety at the root of this. I am always worse when I am stressed or overwhelmed.
I am determined to beat it though!!!
Please take care of you and we will beat it!!!