I know many have the GERD/LPR issues, but there are a huge variety of them ... insights or possible alternative treatments that worked with similar symptoms described below will be much appreciated.
- 35 year old
- Male
- No coffee, very light recreational drinker, do smoking for a long period a time (1 pack a day at the worst ... now reduced to 5-7)
- Was heavy meat eater ... now eating a more balanced diet and having vegies like a rabbit
- Never felt any sympton until Jan of 2007 ... otherwise perfectly healthy
- Very minor or no heart burn, but feeling of throat burning sensation and something stuck in my throat throughout the day
- No major coughing but occasional clearing of throat produced sticky mucus with brownish content (possibly due to stomach acid), which reduced the feeling of burning and lump sensation
- Diagnosed for GERD in April and subsequently went through Endo
- Doctor said there was a stomach infection of some sort and prescribed antibiotics and prilosec for 2 weeks
- Doctor again prescribed 2 months of Prilosec for 20mg, twice a day after I complainted the persistence of the symptoms
- Now am in the week 4 of taking Prilosec and it is not going anywhere
- Symptoms seens at their worst around meal time (before and after). Always wake up in the morning with throat burning pretty bad.
- Subsequent symptoms now include dry/tight throat, loss of voice easily, tight chest
- No cutting back on diet but trying healthier combination
One thing I tried in the last two days which seems REALLY helped my throat after I read several web posts: honey mixed with warm water. It reduced the throat burning and lump sensation considerably although it does not help get ride of it yet ... wondering if the honey helped stomach or just produced a protective coating around throat. I will keep on doing it for the next couple weeks and keep you posted if it works.
Really don't like Vinegar in general, so have not tried Apple Cide Vinegar as many suggested.
Have another endo and an additional PH monitoring coming up in several weeks, but really do not give it too much hope now.
Really hate the idea that need to take PPI for a long period of time. The only thing my primary doctor coudl tell me now is to quit the smoking. While I agree it may be a good thing to do in general, I seriously doubt it was the cause.