Hi Leo,
Wow! Same thing here. I went to the doctor Thursday. She said I have a lot of nasal drip, phelgm ball, clearing throat, coughing and fluid in each ear. She put me on another round of antibiotics and AlleRX. I am going to see the Gastroenterlogist next week because the GERD appears to be getting worse.
leonardo da vinci said...
Results for Fridays Appt: nasal drip , phlegm ball in throat(at least thats what it feels like too me) constant clearing of the throat and sore throat.
I was told I have allergies and now on Nasonex. I have to admit this stuff is kickng some serious phlegm ball butt.
Tho, I do believe it is a worsening of "THE GERD".
Marburg said...
Same thing here. Been going on for about a month now. I also have some tenderness in the neck (along the left side mid-to-jaw). I was originally diagnosed with Chronic sinus infection but now they're thinking it is a worsening of GERD.
leonardo da vinci said...
Hi Avalon,
Yeah, I have it, it's a new symptom, I've had it about 2 weeks now.
Do you have a sore throat also? Its strange cause I also noticed nasal drip and phlegm build up.
As soon as I get rid of one symptom , another comes right along.
Anyhow, I try not to clear my throat too much, I also chew gum, it helps keep the mouth entertained and my mind off of the throat clearing.
Good Luck, Hope you feel better.