I've got that same problem to... Im now 25, the first time I had GERD four years ago... then I remember I started my recovery first with jogging, it worked. After one year I started weightlifting until september last year
I take Controloc (pantoprazol) every day now, and it works so far. I also always try to find a alternative solution, like drinking yarrow tea which helps. As time goes on I feel that the symptomes are fading away, but very slowley... This time I feel it will take months and maybe years to recover completly.
When it comes to weightlifting, I always try to get back, to do some exercises but after 4-5 days the reflux pain starts again, especialy at night. The last time I tried to do some exercises was last week and again pain, and again I swore to my self I won't touch the weights ever again, hope this time I'm gonna stick to my words. Miss It a lot.
Hope that on may or juny I'm gonna be able to do cardio workout at least... we will see, expect the worst and hope for the best
sorry for my bad english, I'm from Sarajevo, Bosnia