Hello I am 41 and so tired of having GERD.
It seems that after my last pregnancy - the heartburn just didn't go away. My last pregnancy was 12 yrs ago!
I am on 40mg of Pantaloc daily. It helps .... but I still get heartburn. Most days I feel like a I carrying a rock in my upper abdomen - right in the diagphram area - under the bottom of my rib cage. I am also on Effexor for anxiety. I have an anxiety disorder. Which came first? The anxiety. I will say that the anxiety and stress WILL make my GERD symptoms worse. But I do not believe it to be the cause.
I have been reading through this message board and am relieved to have read that others experience what I do. I can relate to so many of you.
I am now waking up with a wheeze. I don't have asthma or allergies.
I have the constant post nasal drip and have had it for months. My DR suggested an antihistamine - it helps a "little" but the morning wheeze is still there.
I have woken up choking on stomach acid. This is truly a frightening feeling Not to mention a horrible taste. I sleep with 2 pillows but still this happens. I try not to eat before bed.
I get heartburn/reflux when I bend over to pick something up. Which of course is OFTEN. I am just so tired of this. There doesn't seem to be a day that my stomach feels "normal".
I have had barrium swallow tests = acidic - but not too bad
and and endoscope last year - results - "NORMAL"! I was shocked! ow could it be normal????? Not that I wanted them to find anything but I was looking for answers and maybe just maybe a ....CURE!
Interstingly enough - my sons both had relux as infants - spat up all the time - now one of them is having GERD symptoms.
I just want it to go away!