Hi julie,
I had an upper gi done, which showed that I had full reflux from my lower esophageal sphincter all the way to the upper esophageal sphincter. Meaning, I have gerds and lpr. The acid can not stay into my stomach, because that sphincter does not work properly. It shoots straight up into my esophagus and into my throat.
The test also showed that I have gastritis and a hiatal hernia. The Dr.told me that the reason why I couldnt swallow properly was probably due do the acid doing some damage to the soft tissue in my throat, and it wouldnt work properly.
What had me confused was that I had been diagnosed with gerds almost a year ago, but I had never had that type of swallowing problem. The Dr. thinks that it was because I was really stressed out and when you are anxious and nervous your body reacts to producing even more acid, which in turns creates more damage.
I was put on zoloft (anti anxiety medicine) before I even had the test. It seemed to help a bit. After the results, my dr changed my medicine from protonix (which i was taking for gerds) to nexium. She wants me on nexium for one month, and then I am to go back to her and see what the next step is. She said that nexium is stronger and should help heal all the tissues. She doesnt want me on nexium forever because it prevents calcium absorption into the body which could result in osteoporosis.
As of today, I have been on the nexium for 6 days,and today I actually feel pretty good. I guess the medicine is kicking in. I am able to eat pretty normal again, but it was hard psycologically. I was afriad I would choke,and sometimes I am still reluctant but Im getting there. As nervous as I was to have the test done, I am so glad that I did. Now I know exactly what it was, and if the same symptoms happen again, I know it is nothing serious...and I dont feel as anxious about it.
When did you have your barium test done? I know its hard, but try to relax. Stressing out only makes matters worse. I know its easy for me to say now!!...but, please know that you are not alone and Ive been thru the same thing.
Write back to me on here whenever you get nervous, and Ill write back to you. It really does help.
Keep in touch, and keep me posted!