It can take awhile to work, a couple months even, so be patient. When I started I did this which is recommended by Dr. Weil, you can go to his website and search DGL or heartburn if you like. I drink a littlew aloe juice each night before bed as well to heal any damage to my esophagus.
Here is what Dr. Weil recommends;
The approach I recommend begins with deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), a remedy extracted from licorice root. (Whole licorice can increase blood pressure; no such effect occurs with DGL). You can buy DGL in powder or tablet form. The easiest way to take it is to chew two tablets slowly before every meal or in between meals, or take one-half teaspoon of the powder before meals. You can continue to take DGL as long as you have symptoms. I also suggest visualization as a mind-body technique to help manage GERD symptoms. The following lifestyle changes can help prevent problems before they start: