Hi, I'm a Newbie.
I have had bad breath since I was a child. My parents exhausted every medical source available, no answer.
I also have a nasty taste in my mouth, receding gums, heartburn, sleep with a window open no matter the weather because I feel I can't breathe, multiple dental caries (extraordinary numbers since I was a child), panic attacks that have since gone away, and the bad breath.
I found my half sister (from my father) a few years ago. She has had the stomach valve surgery, my bio father's gums were eroded, etc. My half sister always has a fan running and has panic attacks.
No stone has been left unturned regarding the bad breath including colonics, herbs, etc. If I could spend a day without people backing away from me I would be very very happy. I finally am retreating from any social contact and am very careful to air out my bedroom each morning even tho I live alone. The worst was when I had eye surgery and the poor doctor said when he finished: "I'm going for fresh air."
In the past I would visit kin or friends and I would stink up their house. Also traveling in a car with other people is out, I always take my own car.
Has anyone had the valve surgery and it cured bad breath?