I can answer your question and I know I am the moderator that edited your post.
The Administrator of HealingWell is Peter Waite, Founder/Editor. You can communicate with Peter at [email protected]
HealingWell.com Community forums and chat rooms are moderated by volunteers that have some special understanding of your health condition. While they may not have answers to all your questions, moderators are here to help in any way they can. Moderators have the right to edit or delete posts without prior notice that violate of the rules above. They are also responsible for keeping promoting participation in the forums and chats. You can spot a moderator because their posts indicate that they are moderators.
Each moderator, being human with different life experiences, may see things through slightly different eyes and some variance is to be expected. However, moderators promise to base their decision making on the content of posts rather than personal feelings about the person posting in them.
If you have a question for a moderator on a decision, you can email them and discuss it privately. They may not see things the same way you do, but they are open and approachable.
If you would like to email me I will respond to your questions.