I would agree with you when you say that it makes your GERD symptoms worse. I caught this gastro virus at the beginning of January,(the reason I was pretty sure that it was a gastrobug was because of the way it came on, and that a week after I got sick my wife came down with the same symptoms) and it is only now starting to subside somewhat. My doctor had me checked for parasites, and viruses, also, because I just turned 50, I had my first colonoscopy, and everything checked out fine. So whatever virus I had was gone by the time I was tested.
The thing that had me wondering what was going on, was that my typical symptoms of GERD that I use to get, were pains in the chest, belching, and severe throat acid burning, and only minor gas and bloating problems. Now the GERD symptoms seem to be more of a gas and bloating problem. So I guess I'll go back to my GERD diet for a while just to get back on track.