Ok, we have a good thread going about
recipe ideas for Liquids, Full Liquids and even into the soft food arenas, but I had some questions on HOW much to be eating as I'm finding i'm just kinda going on what I think I can handle.
Is there a general rule on Qty?
I'm eating about 5 times / day and each meal consists of about the same amount of food. 1 Boost Energy Drink (8oz), 1 C of Apple Sauce (8oz), 1 C of Chicken Broth w/ one Egg (8oz), etc, etc.
I havent felt too full after any of these meals so i feel like i'm doing pretty good.
1. How do you know you've eaten too much?
2. How do you know when and how to test your limits safely?
3. When oh when can i eat a flippin STEAK!? jk.
Any tips are helpful..thank you!