Welcome to Healingwell!
I agree with speden. You need to see a GI and have some of the evaulation tests done.
1. Baruim swallow (done in different positions)
2. Endoscopy (doctor looks inside while your sedated)
3. Bravo test (can be inserted at the endoscopy)
4. manometry test (also know as a motility test)
The only unpleasant test is the manometry, but it's a mind over matter thing.
Lifestyle changes will help to some degree, but if your LES is defective it will not cure itself even with medications. Medication only treats the symptoms not cures it. If you have to go the way of surgery there are many options:
1. Nissen (the older method that many doctors believe in)
2. EsophyX (It's newer and is done without stitches through the mouth)
3. Linx (which is in trials right now, it involves a magnetic bracelet around your esophagus)
GERD is not the end of the world, so don't panic. Just relax and breathe. Stress makes it worse.
Stick around and we will help you through this.
We make great cheerleaders here. Just watchout for Bill, Griff, and Rafael they look kind of strange in the short skirts. (Sorry, Guys. I just couldn't resist)