Hi Perskie,
Thanks for your comments, very appreciated!
Well, yes, my latest 2 scopes were clear, and, as far as having regular reflux goes, usually, without my meds, believe me, its on a regular basis (I feel the burn usually 2-3 days after I try to stop them). and, there is more than just acid, enzymes and bile juices can or are as devastating
as acid on the esophagus, non?! the PPI does nothing to reduce those, so damage happens none the less.... that is what i red many times anyways.... when I say that I have refux on a regular basis, of course, with my meds, I hardly if never feel the burn in my breastone-lower esophagus, but, even
if you feel nothing, reflux still occurs and damages still happens, because the PPI doesn't fix the problem that causes reflux, right?!
So, as for attempting to stop taking my PPI, yes, I started slowly. the first 4 days, one day I took Pariet, the other day some Ranitidine and so to finish taking only the Ranitidine the few last days until yesterday and today where I took nothing at all. that is why I am concern because, to me,
its strange that I didnt have a rebound yet. more over, a few years ago I developed some scratchy, irritated, throat problems. that never happened when I started my ppi regiment in 2002. thoses throat problems started in 2005, and they come and goes since then. maybe allergies as I have
them, or maybe allergies and reflux togheter, ...no ideas!
But, say, if you still have some throat issues where it burns after stopping the meds BUT your esophagus doesnt burn or feels nothing, is it strange? how come, where when I started with only heartburns in the lower esophagus and now, with no meds, I still feels the burn in the throat?
You see, there is where my concerns is: could it be that my lower esophagous is already damaged and that beeing, explains why my throat only burns and the esophagus feels nothing?! isn't that worrysome or at least strange?
And, yes Perksie, I will demand, and with insisting, to have a third scope... hoping that nothing nasty will be found! :-0 the problems sometimes with the GI doctors is that they seems to believe on a by-the-book method saying that if your gerd is moderate and with no Barrett's on the first scope,
that you are good for a 10 years before going for another one. geez... I mean, nobody is the same and I have seen Barrett's happened in people with simple gerd to start with and develop barrett after only 2-3 years after their first scope. and, it always makes me uneasy and inconfortable
to demand another scope as I feel that I am bugging them by insisting to scope me. but, I guess, as long as it is not THEIR lives that are plagued with the dreaded gerd and it's possible deadly complications, in their view, you are the crackpot! (all the doctors are not like that, but a lots are..) :-(
Oh, and I didn't know that Pariet is the safest of all the ppi! I wonder why, but its good to know! so yeah, I am terrified of one day having barrett. it maybe sounds stupid to some peoples, but I am terrified just the same...
Sorry for the long reply. its just that I am trying to be as precise as possible just in case I can enjoy some comments from peoples who see the clearest picture of my case and so maybe I can collect as many positive facts and encouragements as possible
regarding my fears!
Thank you!