Hi everyone:
I have had GERD for several years now. I take 40 mg Nexium twice daily. Lately the Nexium does not seem to be controlling the GERD. I have been getting pains (with burping) in the evenings and have had problems sleeping due to the pain. I have spasms that have been occuring for some time now. I find they are worse when my GERD is acting up. The spasms are not painful but it feels like my chest is vibrating. The vibrating sometimes can extend all the way up my throat to my eyes, which sometimes feel like they are vibrating as well. These spams are especially bad in the morning when I first wake up. I feel the spasms for awhile and then they seem to go away. Sometimes the spasms even keep my awake as they are very annoying.
Does anyone else experience these vibrating spasms? Any idea what to do about them.
Another question I have is: Can your body get so used to taking the Nexium (after many years of taking it) that the Nexium becomes ineffective?