spike1010 said...
My surgery is over, now on day 2 near the end off - feeling positive - very sore but positive. The surgery went very well, the surgeon told me that I had quite a size hiatus hernia that got repaired first and then the wrap. I've slept loads since surgery and only eatin (drank 2/3 small sips of tea) and had 2 small custerd pots. Not feeling hungry at all. Getting loads of small gurgling noices from my stomach. Having quite a bit of pain in my shoulders on and off and so I'm taking the pain medicine as prescribed. I realize this must be the gas. Everything still seems and feels very tender, I do not want to move around. I had a nurse change my dressings today she confirmed all is well. More news later.
glad to hear it. 7th day for me now and still have to gurgling and rumbling. still am not hungry but make sure i eat something every couple hours. strangly my doc prescribed chewing gum 5 times a day to get the stomach working. just wait till ya get that gas hiccup.. sore stomach does not like that....