Got a new computer and am slowly rediscovering my old contacts after my other one died!
After struggling with this for years, I got some relief when I finally went east (I am in Montana) and a doctor
there ran some tests and diagnosed me with gastroparesis in addition to GERD. I am not flawless at the GP recommendations but having made many of them, I can say my symptoms are better enough that I am not taking a PPI (wooo hooo). No fiber (but I have raisin bran for breakfast regardless), and have to be very very careful with veggies-no skin, no broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, fruits (in solid form) etc. I do some fruit smooties (bolthouse) and no fats at all (and all the other GERD restrictions). I do not eat much solid after about 6:30pm (some grammies, a few crackers) but can have soup.
I actually feel much better, not perfect but 1000x better than I did. I hated the PPIs,always felt like a brick in my stomach.
Have no idea why no one out here thought of this but am glad I am not eating the very foods that were making it worse!!
Hope everyone has had a great holiday. We did but glad its over.