I have never been diagnosed with GERD but my endocrinologist suggested that I could have that because I have a continual sore, red throat, hoarsness, left ear ache and sinus like pressure.
I have been complaining of these symptoms for years.
1) saw an allergist, treatment for MINOR allergy to dust mites. told that could not be the reason for all the symptoms
2) had cat scan, ruled out sinusitis.
3) had mri, found very largy thyroid, had it surgically removed then had iodine treatment for cancer. Symptoms still there.
4) Saw ENT, says he sees nothing but the thyroid as being the reason (since had it out) but symptoms still there.
5) past pcp said allergy reaction - eustacian tube not opening and closing properly. Allergy meds will help with that. Not. (ent looked at me like I had two heads when I told him that one).
6) current pcp gives me antibiotics on occasion so I really don't know what he sees everytime he looks that helps him decide - medicate or not....hmmm
Can anyone tell me who I should see and if these symptoms can be from gerd?? If so, its been an issue for years. I had no clue until the endo appt last week that I could even consider Gerd as the culprit?