good morning. My original operation was performed on January 29th 2004. Many many complications as most of you have experienced with a few added axtras just to add to it all. I had suffered from Reflux for 5 years prior with no relief from any of the medications study after study and finally was left with no choice but to go ahead and do the op. To add to the reflux i also have a nutcracker oesophagus which can be soooo painful when it decides to do its thing and so i was getting normal spasm from the reflux as well as what the nutcracker does. I was continually aspirating into my lungs and developed chronic asthma because of it, my reflux was silent and so because my oesohagus was so damaged due to the acid it had killed alot of the nerves, therefore was not feeling the burning in my throat as much but continually having asthma, chest and thraot infections and also sinus and ear infections as the acid was also burning my nasal and ear passages. I was also diognosed with irratble bowel syndrome.
I had a 270 degree wrap because the pressure in my throat gets to high from the nutcracker and so they decided to do this degree to allow for that. After the surgery i woke and for the first time in 5 years i woke up smiling. I had no acid!!!!!. It lasted for 3 days before i started getting sick again. My story is so similar to you all except for 1 thing. They have found that i have eosiniphilical oesophagitis. The problems that they couldnt work out for me was that it was almost like i was having allergic reactions to the food that i was eating and then i would get the reflux. Well that is exactly what was happening. Yes my shincter had collapsed totally and i had developed the hiatel hernia as well but after going back over my history they found that the problems were there prior to me realising i had the reflux. This disease is becoming more common and is now being found to be a big cause of reflux in people pressenting to surgeons. To check this out all the surgeon needs to do is have sampes checked from you oesophagus for the eosiniphilic cells in your white bood cells. They usually take samples when they do a gastroscopy so they use these to test for it. It is worth it. Any way the reaon i am here is that 2 weeks ago i lifted and twisted carrying 20+ kgs and got instant excruciating pain across my abdomin and into my hip. 2 days later i was in hospital in agony, couldnt eat , hurt to move , bloated abdo, pain when i did eat like salt on an open wound, really bad gas and REFLUXING . tHROAT INFECTION WHERE MY THROAT HAD BEEN BURNT. Surgeon is concerned ive torn the wrap. Has anyone else experienced this. By the way I am a 42 year old female and my name is lee and i live in NZ BY THE FAMOUS WAITOMO CAVES