I am having the wrap this Wednesday! Have had GERD and a hiatal hernia for the last 20 years and now have a small segment of Barrett's. My GI has recommended that I have this surgery for the last two years. When I found this forum, and read so many of your posts, I finally got my courage together and went to see a thoracic surgeon. I am praying that I will have a speedy recovery, as I plan to be back to babysitting my four grandchildren in the fall. (Best job ever! Taught school for 30 years!) Thank you all for the great info on eating, since they don't seem to give you the diet until you are not in the shape to grocery shop. Plan to get some chicken broth, Ensure or Boost and yogurt for the next few weeks. How about
Cream of wheat, or grits? I am a southern girl and I do love fish and grits! I will miss the chocolate and Diet Coke over the next few months but it always made me miserable anyways! Guess it is a good time to get off of the hard stuff! I am a little scared, but I think it is the anethesia that I hate the most!
Gee Gee