I have near CONSTANT burning in either my stomach or stomach and esophagus. Dr. started me on "Tecta" yesterday (I've had 2 doses so far), and it may have helped a bit last night, but I also wondering how long do you have to take these kinds of meds before you notice any real difference? I'm hoping this isn't as good as it's going to get on the Tecta, because it's still pretty bad!!
I'm worried that the constant burning in my esophagus is going to cause cancer
It's been bad for over a week now ... how long does it take before you have to worry about
How do you all get rid of the burning in the back of your throat and that metallic taste in your mouth??? I can't seem to eat anything that doesn't give me burning and terrible stomach/abdominal gas ... cream of wheat and water was tolerable today, but not much else. What can I eat??!
I'm getting a test for H.pylori tomorrow, and might have a hiatus hernia as well .... could either of these things cause the acid and bloatedness that I've been experiencing?? This is all very new and abrupt (did YOUR symptoms start so suddenly??) to me ... I'm feeling overwhelmed, and scared and a little hopeless ....