Tomorrow it will be two weeks since the repair of my giant paraesophageal hernia and nissen fundoplication. I am feeling pretty good considering the difficulties I had in hospital with atrial fibrillation and some lung restrictions due to adhesions.
I saw the surgeon a couple days ago, they elevated me to a soft diet at any time I am ready. Staples out. He said I do not need to come back in for recheck as only I will be able to report on any difficulties or issues as exam won't reveal much. Does this sound right? Seems after such a big surgery that I might have to go back in?
I saw the cardiologist in follow up as I am on heart meds to control the atrial fibrillation and for recheck. All is going well - EKG, echocardiogram are normal. Have to continue meds for 3-4 weeks to be sure no reoccurrence in the healing.
My chest xray shows my right lung (where the adhesions and pneumothorax (resolved) were) is less expansive than the left side but the surgeon and the cardiologist said normal after amount of work they did in my chest and lung and time for the
anesthesia to work its way through.
I'm bored with this diet (doing full liquids still and slowly trying to add an item or two on soft diet such as noodles, mashed potatoes). I am sure I am not meeting my nutrition requirements. How do all of you find yourselves following diet restrictions and adding nutrition such as protein as needed? Surgeon and nurse said no meats (ground only), no fresh fruit, veggies, salads, breads of any kind, cheese, etc. What are most of you adding (or what did you add) on your diets at full liquids slowly moving to ? I get full quite fast and with having to take heart meds 2 x daily in applesauce (doesn't come in liquid form and cannot be ground), I get full with those items. I get bloated and feeling full easily. Yesterday with only full liquids I woke up in middle of the night feeling like something was stuck in my throat yet I didn't have anything that would have caused that. Very odd, uncomfortable feeling.
I overdid it a bit yesterday and went to college football game with family. Too long sitting at one time and felt cramped up and had to get up and go walk around 2-3 times. By the time we got home I was wiped out. How is each of your activity levels (or were) at this stage of two weeks? Trying to walk twice a day but not always easy to get in more than once. I am limited to lifting, carrying five pounds for another week or so and they told me to only lift up to fifteen pounds adding little at a time only as able and comfortable to. Sound right?
Thanks for responses, assistance, advice.