Hi Solivar,You shouldn't eat ANY bread, big OR small at this stage in your recovery. Bread just chews into a ball, and then gets stuck. My surgeon said to stay away from steak and bread or sandwiches for about 8 weeks.
At this point you should be very careful what you eat. During the first two weeks, it was just plain difficult to swallow. As far as an irritated esophagus goes, just remember that it takes a very long time for that very delicate tissue to heal. Also, I think I may have told you before, but plain surgical pain in esophagus can be interpreted by your brain as reflux. Your esophagus can't differentiate between different types of pain.
It's going to take a LONG time for you to heal. While the outside of you will heal very quickly, the work that was done inside will take a lot longer. Your stomach was stretched and wrapped around your esophagus and stitched there. This was major surgery. You will not be able to eat normally for quite a long time. You will gradually notice improvement.
Bloating is a normal issue in recovery from this surgery. It should improve over time as well. Your LES valve was allowing everything to escape from your stomach, including gas. Now it is closed off tight to things escaping into your esophagus, and this causes the bloating. As your swelling goes down and your healing continues, this should improve. Be sure not to drink from a straw, drink carbonated beverages, or eat things that are gassy.
Remember...healing will take from six months to a year. Your eating will continue to improve over the next few weeks. Just don't eat any bread now. Well toasted, it's okay for you, because it chews to a liquid then.
Hang in there...things will improve!