Which pH study did you have? Wireless Bravo gives more data, and can cover 48 hours.
My current GI admitted to me that manometry can be inconclusive, and a negative test result doesn't necessarily mean nothing is wrong with motility. This is true in my case -- I had a negative manometry in July, but excessive reflux.
Did they take biopsies during your endoscopies to test for abnormal eosinophil counts? Eosinophilic esophagitis can mimic GERD...even at eosinophil counts under what is considered acute.
Keep in mind, also, that reflux can "aerosolize" and move in vapor form up the esophagus into the throat, and pass into the lungs -- causing a whole host of uncomfortable symptoms. These may not appear serious through an endoscope, but are quite significant to you.
I've been told that it takes 6-9 months of being reflux-free for the tissues of the throat, vocal cords, bronchial tubes, etc., to heal completely.
Hope this helps.